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Research update on aflatoxins toxicity, metabolism, distribution, and detection: A concise overview

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Serious health risks associated with the consumption of food products contaminated with aflatoxins (AFs) are worldwide recognized and depend predominantly on consumed AF concentration by diet. A low concentration of aflatoxins in cereals and related food commodities is unavoidable, especially in subtropic and tropic regions.

Accordingly, risk assessment guidelines established by regulatory bodies in different countries help in the pre-vention of aflatoxin intoxication and the protection of public health. By assessing the maximal levels of aflatoxins in food products which are a potential risk to human health, it's possible to establish appropriate risk man-agement strategies.

Regarding, a few factors are crucial for making a rational risk management decision, such as toxicological profile, adequate information concerning the exposure duration, availability of routine and some novel analytical techniques, socioeconomic factors, food intake patterns, and maximal allowed levels of each aflatoxin in different food products which may be varied between countries.