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Validation of the Czech Version of the Symptoms in Persons at Risk of rheumatoid Arthritis (SPARRA) Questionnaire

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Clinicalty manifest rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is preceded by the pre-ctinical phase, when interactions between genetic and environmental riskfactors také plače leading to autoantibodies production, such as rheumatoid factor and antibodies against citrullinated proteins. The at-risk individuals may also experience a wide spectrum of symptoms.

The Symptoms in Persons at Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis (SPARRA) Questionnaire was created to monitor these symptoms. The goal of this worh was to validate the Czech version of the SPARRA questionnaire.

The originál version was translated from Engtish to the Czech language bytwo independent bilingual translators, then consensually synthesized and discussed by the expert panel. The synthesized version was subsequently bach-translated by two blinded translators.

This version was compared to the originál version, and differences were discussed and implemented in the pre-final version, which was presented to the individuats at-rish ofRA to assess the clarity, and then the finál version was created The validated Czech version of the SPARRA questionnaire is created primarily for research purposes aiming for future use in clinical practice to predict RA development.