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Algesiology or pain treatment in case reports

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Pain treatment (algesiology) is a separate field and deals primarily with chronic pain.

In the book, the well-known expert in pain management and palliative medicine Jiří Kozák organized 30 case studies in such a way as to point out the main purpose of the field, which is the comprehensive treatment of painful conditions with an emphasis on multidisciplinarity in the diagnosis of chronic conditions and in the strategy of therapy. He approached authors from several specialties who are dedicated to the treatment of pain and participate in the treatment of pain in their workplaces - experienced algesiology doctors as well as psychologists and physiotherapists.

Individual case studies have the same structure: introduction, case description, conclusion, discussion and literature. From the point of view of therapy, non-invasive and interventional methods are mentioned in the case reports, which are part of complex treatment, and it is their development that has been a significant help in the treatment of painful conditions in recent years. Interventional pain treatment, although it is on the rise, cannot be used in chronic patients as the only modality of treatment, and therefore messages from the fields of psychology, rehabilitation and neurology are also presented here.