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Newly developed gel polymer electrolytes based on crosslinked poly(2-oxazolines)

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Advanced materials based on polyoxazoline chemistry are presented as electrochemically, mechanically and thermally stable, efficient and versatile "green" gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs). A series of GPEs was prepared by cationic ring-opening copolymerization (CROP) of two 2-oxazolines with different ratios of the comonomers and their subsequent crosslinking and swelling in Li salt solution.

The samples were investigated in terms of their ionic conductivity, thermal properties and ionic diffusion. Finally, a lithium stripping/plating experiment was used to evaluate their electrochemical stability.

Promising electrolytes possessing high conductivity (3.7.10(-4) S/cm at 20 °C) and excellent durability were obtained.