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Linguistic analysis of unobjective features on disinformation server

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper presents the results of the research carried out in the final thesis, which dealt with the language of contemporary media. The research focuses mainly on expressions that do not correspond to the expression of objective journalism.

When evaluating the linguistic means used in the selected reports, we follow up on a whole range of linguistic works dealing with the means of linguistic persuasion and manipulation. The goal of the research is to recognize symptomatic means of expression in selected messages and to compare the frequency of their occurrence in two different types of media.

In accordance with the methodology used to assess objectivity in the monography by V. Jílek and the collective Jazyk moderátorů Událostí, hlavního zpravodajského pořadu České televize from 2016, we analyze the linguistic means used in selected news texts from 2019.

A total of eight texts were selected, four from disinformation sources Parlamentní and four from the public server České Comparing news is made possible by the fact that, although news from different sources has been selected, we always compare those that inform about the same event.

The research shows a higher incidence of symptomatic language on the disinformation website, but shows that even the reports published by ČTK completely do not correspond to objective news expression. The function of branding tools on the České website is mainly attractive and updating.

The analysis found that only two out of four selected messages on the disinformation website demonstrate manipulative tendencies. However, all four reports published on the Parlamentní server showed a high degree of tabloidization of the message, which occurs mainly through the selection of attractive data and expressive wording in the headlines.