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On Machov's Scenic Conception of Folk Dance: From the Lachian Dances to the London Bartered Bride

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study examines the influences of ethnographic impulses of the domestic interwar avant-garde that shaped Sasha Makhov's choreographic work, using the example of a wartime production of Smetana's The Bartered Bride performed at Sadler's Wells Opera, London. Based on these observations, it attempts to broaden the perspective of Machov's experiences with the domestic avant-garde by adding further insights into his inspirations from folk dances he encountered in the English environment between 1943 and 1945, which contributed significantly to shaping his vision of modern Czech ballet in the post-war period. Research carried out in the collections of London's memory institutions enabled the identification of sources and documents not available to earlier researchers. Partial sources of unclear provenance were identified in domestic collections (National Museum; Antonín Sova City Museum in Pacov; National Archives; National Library; Memorial of National Literature).