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Testosterone deficiency in adulthood, diagnosis and possibilities of therapeutic substitution

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Late-onset hypogonadism in adulthood represents a significant health problem because, based on the association of low testosterone levels with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, it leads to reduced length and quality of life. Hypogonadal men die earlier than men with a sufficient supply of androgens, and cardiovascular disease and diabetes contribute significantly to this.

The diagnosis of testosterone deficiency requires the presence of clinical manifestations and laboratory confirmation of its abnormal level. If the diagnosis is confirmed, lifestyle modification and injectable, oral or transdermal substitutions are recommended.

The choice of the form of androgen therapy should be made on the basis of patient preference, pharmacokinetics, cost of treatment with achieving a testosterone level at half the normal level according to the recommendations of European Association of Urology. The patient must be regularly checked up by performing a physical examination including prostate examination and comprehensive serum analysis..

The benefit of the treatment for the patient is the achievement of physiological levels of testosterone, improvement of sexual functions, muscle strength and mass, increase of energy, bone density, feeling of well-being and improvement of cardiovascular morbidity.