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Waiting and the Tension of Existence: An Oikological Analysis

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


With my presentation I wish to contribute to knowledge of the pathic dimension of existence. Through an analysis of the situation of waiting in a train I try to show that the human being is an in-between, a constant tension of sense and no-sense.

Waiting in a tren shows the existential tension we inhabit. Further, it allows us to see our tendency of ‚normalizing‘ or ‚mediating‘ the strange.

The tripartite conception of the lived body developed by Hans Rainer Sepp serves as the methodological base of my investigation. My analysis begins with a description of the everyday context of waiting.

Following Heidegger, I locate it in the business of man. Suddently, the train stops.

One has to wait. I describe the moment of obstruction as an appearance of the Real – the absolutely foreign to meaning – inside the medial environment of normal experience (Scheler, Sepp, Lacan).

The intrusion of the Real ends our „being in the midst of the ready to hand“ and reduces us to the inevitable here which we are. The absolute and senseless limit of our corporeality.

It reminds us that the immediate present is more primordial than the being-ahead-of-itself and ek-stasis. Following, I describe waiting as a movement of normalization.

Waiting reconnects us with the future we have alreay dwelled in. Until ist end in the fulfilment of desire, waiting is marked by an inquietude.

An analysis of the sense bodily factors of this inquietude marks the end of my presentation of the pathic dimension of our existence.