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First GREGOR and IRIS simultaneous observations of a solar flare -enhancement of the continuum-

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


During the 8th call of the SOLARNET Trans-National Access Programme we were funded for a flare observing campaign at GREGOR (Tenerife). This campaign was supported by additional instruments, such as the IRIS and Hinode satellites, and ground-based instruments at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Ondřejov (CZ), and at the Białków Observatory of the University of Wroclaw (PL).

Our goal was to observe solar flares during their initial evolutionary stages and at different atmospheric layers in order to understand their structure and the triggering processes.

On May the 4th a M5.7 flare was captured by the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) and by the improved High-resolution Fast Imager (HiFI+) multi-wavelength imaging filtergraph. In this work we will focus on the analysis of the temporal evolution of HiFI+ images and IRIS dataset, with a special emphasis on the study of the continuum enhancement. After a proper co-alignment with respect to the IRIS dataset, we are able to present a multi-wavelength evolution of the flaring solar atmosphere at selected positions of interest.