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High magnetic field infrared characterization of antiferromagnetic magnons

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Antiferromagnetic magnons (collective excitations of spinwaves) are in the focus of spintronics research due to their ultra-fast dynamics. Magnons can be detected via antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR), which is an absorption of energy in resonance with energy of periodic movement of magnon states.

Antiferromagnetic resonance frequencies of spin-waves in selected materials are in order of THz paving way to novel information manipulation. We present robust method to study the AFMR in bulk materials via IR transmission spectroscopy in external magnetic fields of high intensities (16 T) of NaMnAs and VBr3.

Understanding of behavior of magnons and spin waves is necessary for future applied research, in our case we explain magnetic anisotropies present in the materials as well as spin alignment and dispersion of magnon states in external magnetic fields.