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Jeopardy of Blue/ Faces of Migration

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Presentation of the tutorial guided by PG and VF created within the international project 4EU+ with the theme Visual Literacy: Understanding Imagesacross Europe-Past and Present 2. Through this module students experience first handthe cultural framework of the ways in which images were and are perceived through work on scientific-artisticprojects carried out in intercultural groups.

Raise critical thinking and digital literacy. During the year students from Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic meet in online meetings as well as in workshops in Prague, Warsaw and Milan.

In the framework of this project, the students have produced a hypothetical exhibition / exhibitional concept that focuses on the theme of migration (migration over the sea especially) and that studies its different aspects. The exhibition explores the social and political meaning of migration in today's world and tries to incorporate different viewpoints.

Selected artists use different media and techniques to tell different stories, but their common axis is abandoning one place to start a new life in another one. Exhibition explores the search for national identity and one's own identity and how those concepts can clash with each other.The discussions around migration tend to be deprived of individual stories.

Through the exhibitionstudents are trying to highlight and help to stir up the conversation in a more open and empathetic way. In more than a half of the artworks chosen for the exhibition, visitors are confronted with individual items, whether its clothing, or other possessions or with direct representation of those stories.