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Academic peregrination in comparison: Bohemian and moravian students at selected reformed schools in the territory of current Germany and Switzerland, 1575-1620

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This study deals with Bohemian and Moravian students at five Reformed institutes of higher learning in the territory of current Germany and Switzerland in the period of 1575-1620. In particular, it traces their presence at universities in Basel, Heidelberg, and Marburg, and academies in Herborn and Geneva. Each of the selected institutions is introduced in a cameo, which in addition to a brief history of the school mentions also the most important professors in relation to Bohemian and Moravian scholars. This is followed by an analysis of the two groups, i.e., the Bohemian and Moravian scholars, whereby the author follows two factors: social background of the matriculated scholars and changes in peregrination over time. Data pertaining to the individual institutions are then compared and analysed in a separate summary chapter. The study also includes revised lists of Bohemian and

Moravian students at the selected schools during the period of interest, i.e., 1575-1620.