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Searching for Japan. Transcultural Inspiration in Art and Cultural Education

Publication at Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The book discusses the possibilities of transculturally oriented art education. Promotion of arts and cultural studies as compulsory segments in the general education system represents one of the current trends that respond to the need to reflect and address social and global issues that are downplayed or remain hidden. Creative processes are an area of human activity that is coming under the spotlight not only in the commercial sphere of the mainstream cultural industry.

Observing the variability of unexpected solutions and the ability to think differently, beyond established practices, conventions or stereotypes, is also of high interest to analysts of educational paradigms. Developed countries have already picked up on these tendencies and strongly support cultural art education. It is already evident that it would be worthwhile, at the level of the state sector, to turn attention to updating and revitalizing the post-war concept of 'education through art'.