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Times are changing?" Czech cover version of Dylan's "The Times They Are a-Changin'"

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts |


The phenomenon of coverversions as a form of overlapping/recontextualization of artifacts of musical practice, as well as forms of cultural transfer, acculturation and cultural appropriation, has been has always been one of the distinctive components of popular music. The conference paper will focus on

Czech lyrical variants of Bob Dylan's original song The Times They Are A-Changin'. They will

The possibilities of grasping these production types will be outlined, and supported by theories dealing with cover versions in popular culture and on theories of cultural translation, the selected examples, the relationships between the original/original composition and its cover versions, but also the relationships of the individual textual variants to the time of their creation or to their performative and reproductive interpretations. At the same time, the paper will try to put the performances of the two versions in context. with the central motif to ask questions directed towards the semantic and ontological differentiation between the notions of (the) time(s) / time(s) and to their function in the analysed texts.