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Exceptionally small Young modulus in 10M martensite of Ni-Mn-Ga exhibiting magnetic shape memory effect

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


A Ni50Mn28Ga22 single crystal exhibiting 10M martensitic structure at room temperature was studied by X-ray diffraction measured in situ under uniaxial tensile stress up to 20 MPa and in different initial orientations of the sample. When the c axis lies along the direction of the applied stress, the sample is elongated primarily by the stress-induced reorientation.

In comparison, with a or b axis lying along the stress direction, the overall elongation happens primarily due to the change of the lattice parameters and also the modulation amplitude of 10M martensite rapidly decreases with the applied tension. The initial tensile Young modulus calculated from the refined lattice parameters is very low and exhibits gradual stiffening with the increasing tensile stress.

Close to zero stress the modulus has an extremely low value of about 0.3 GPa.