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Apofthegmata. Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers. Translated by Jiri Pavlik.

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


A review of the complete edition of the Apofthegmas - sayings of the desert fathers. Prague: Benediktinské arciopatství sv.

Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty, 2021 (published 2022) translated by Jiří Pavlík.

Apofthegmas most often take the following forms: supplications for advice or questions from a disciple to his teacher; words of one desert father addressed to a group of eremites; instructive biographical features describing the father's deeds instead of a direct answering of a question; and stories from the life of hermits. There are also statements by several women - desert mothers.

The review discusses in more detail the issues of suppression of intrusive thoughts and the poetic form of the sayings.