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The Passive across Two Registers of Present-Day British English: A Corpus-Based Lexico-Grammatical Perspective

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |

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The paper explores the use of the passive in present-day British English, focusing on its register-specific lexico-grammatical patterns. The interaction of the grammatical structure, lexis, phraseology and register is examined on the basis of two sub-corpora of the British National Corpus 2014, academic prose and informal conversation.

The results have corroborated the findings of previous studies in that the pattern 'BE / GET V-ed' is populated by verbal participial forms which create a cline with de-participial adjectives. The communicative needs of registers have been shown to have a decisive impact on the frequency of passive patterns and the specific lexical choices associated with the patterns.

In both registers, the 'BE / GET V-ed' patterns appear to constitute the core of larger fixed phraseological units, e.g., can't be bothered to/with, or it should be noted that.