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A typology of pottery kilns: between Central Europe and Italy

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Approaching the Iron Age firing structures of the North-Eastern Italy means dealing with a large and diversified amount of data difficult to disentangle. One of the most problematic aspects of studying pyro-technological features/structures is the lack of a unified and valid typology and of a common vocabulary. For this reason, the main purpose of this poster is to present an attempt to integrate the Central European typology (after Thér 2004) with the Italian ones. The main difference between these typologies lies in their approach to the objects of study. The central

European typology is based on functional aspects of kilns, while the traditional ones only refer to the morphology of the constitutive parts (mainly the perforated floor shapes). The firing evidence of main Iron Age sites, such as Spina, Marzabotto, and Oppeano will be presented, by trying to describe them according to a possible functional criterion alongside with their morphological characterization. In fact, as suggested by Giannichedda (Giannichedda 2016), many are the approaches that may lead to a typology (chrono-morphological, anthropological, technological, cognitive, social, and socio-economic, but only through a combination of them is possible to achieve a satisfactory and complete analysis.