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Vaccination against rotavirus infections, data about failures of vaccination in information systems

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Introduction: Information System of Infectious Diseases (ISIN) is created mainly to record acute diseases. Vaccination data is among the captured data.

Based on legal obligations, The State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) also obtains data on vaccination failure. Objective: To verify the suitability of the information system ISIN and SUKL for partial evaluation of vaccination impact.

Results: In years 2018-2021 a total of 15,013 cases of rotavirus gastroenteritis were reported. In 213 patients, a history of vaccination against these infections was given, 160 patients had completed vaccination.

There was a significantly higher risk of hospitalization in unvaccinated patients than in vaccinated children of the same age (x2 = 18,01; p = 0,00002). Three infants who died of this infection were also unvaccinated.

The risk of hospitalization was for unvaccinated children aged one year was 9.6-27.3 times higher than for vaccinated children in individual years. In the reported years, SUKL received 21 vaccination failure reports.

Discussion and conclusions: While the Infectious Disease Information System cannot substitute long-term prospective monitoring of vaccinated individuals in evaluating vaccination efficacy, it can provide interesting information that can contribute to monitoring vaccination efficacy. To obtain more accurate vaccination data from both systems, it is desirable to improve the quality of reporting.

The long-term exceptionality of vaccination failure against rotavirus infections is another argument for the promotion and spread of this vaccination.