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TITSMSMT801: Evaluating the effects of the introduction of the compulsory last year of pre-school education: Final research report



This final report is the output of the public contract TITSMSMT801: Verification of the impacts of the introduction of the compulsory last year of pre-school education. The project was implemented in the period 1.12. 2018 -1.12.2021. The aim of the project was to describe the impact of introduced mandatory pre-school education on the actual attendance of children who were/are affected by the obligation; on the development of the number of delayed primary school entry and their justification; describe the most common problems and obstacles (related to education) that manifest themselves in children's compulsory pre-school education and in connection with the start of compulsory school attendance and, using a test of mathematical pre-literacy and phonemic awareness, diagnose children who attended kindergarten only during the period of compulsory pre-school education and those , which have been attending kindergarten for a long time. The output of the project is the following documents:

Final research report - verification of the impact of the introduction of the compulsory last year of pre-school education; Variant proposals for possible amendments to the effective statutory and by-law regulations defining the area of pre-school education in connection with the introduction of the compulsory last year of pre-school education; with the introduction of the compulsory last year of pre-school education. The final research report (Chapters 2-4) provides an overview of the findings of the quantitative and qualitative research conducted for the project and the secondary analysis of the administrative data. Variant proposals for amending statutory and by-law regulations (Chapter 6) contain proposals for legislative measures that enable the monitoring and evaluation of children's participation in compulsory preschool education and their impacts, as well as proposals for measures that could contribute to increasing the participation of children in compulsory preschool education. Proposals for other measures (outside of legislative measures) for the area of preschool education related to the introduction of the mandatory last year of preschool education (Chapter 7) represent proposals for measures with the potential to contribute to increasing participation and the quality of preschool education.