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Interdisciplinary Fieldwork Education within the Geocamp Summer School

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Fieldwork education is a mandatory part of the educational process in Czechia. Within the framework of education, it is also recommended to use interdisciplinary (intersubject) relationships. However, such fieldwork education, which would accentuate this interdisciplinarity, is often absent from the conceptual strategy of schools in Czechia, or interdisciplinary links are often implemented randomly in fieldwork education. Their educational potential is used only to a small extent. The aim of this paper is to describe the didactic concept of the Geocamp summer school, which took place in July 2023 in the Ralsko

National Geopark with the participation of experts from GeoCamp Iceland and, from a didactic point of view, focused precisely on the development of interdisciplinary relationships within the framework of fieldwork education and mainly in the educational area of Man and Nature at the elementary school level (ISCED level 2). Emphasis was also placed on the connection with the cross-cutting topic of Environmental Education (formation of a relationship to a place). The teaching is based on the constructivist concept; it is also based on the concept of inquiry-based learning and conceptual learning, uses various forms of fieldwork, and is aimed at fulfilling cognitive, conative, but also affective educational goals and the development of several important student competencies.