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Chapter from didactics of biology: activity to support the process of acquiring science concepts

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Understanding of technical concepts is a prerequisite for science education. Education cannot proceed satisfactorily unless the teacher and the pupil have the same (or at least very similar) conceptions of the same content under the same word.

The process of concept acquisition (crystallization) starts with motivation (the pupil's willingness to acquire the concept), proceeds through isolated models and their generalization to generic models and abstraction. In this paper, one of the pathways by which crystallization can be fostered, i.e., systematic work with isolated models, is presented.

Examples representing typical models, atypical models and apparent models are sought to basic systematic categories (class birds, fish, etc.). QR codes linking to worksheets for teachers and pupils are embedded to bring them to life.

This method can be recommended for practicing understanding of all taxonomic categories as well as other abstract science concepts.