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Luboš Tichý, Critical Review. A. Hatje, P.-Ch. Müller-Graff (Hrsg.), Enzyklopädie Europarecht, 2nd ed. 2021

Publication at Faculty of Law |


This extensive critical review covers the most voluminous work in the field of EU law. The Europarecht Encyclopedia is a 12-volume work with almost 20,000 pages.

It is characteristic that the authors are primarily university professors. Some of them specialize in the fundamentals of European - Union law, i.e. primarily in the area of European constitutional law.

However, most of the authors are specialists in individual legal fields who comment on and interpret areas of EU law that have become part of their individual national fields as well. The overall concept of this grandiose work is the result of two basic approaches to European law.

Roughly half of the entire work is devoted to the basic policies of the European Union, while the other half deals with individual branches of European law from the point of view of the legal system. An example of the first approach is foreign and security policy, the internal market, an example of the second approach is private and procedural law or labor law.

The study criticizes this otherwise wonderful work for its predominant orientation to German doctrine and jurisprudence.