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Nutritlonal status in adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa before and du ring the covid-19 pandemic - one center experience

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemie, there has been a significant increase in the number of adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Our clinic rccorded 64% more hospita lized patients with AN compared to the pre-pandemic period. Due to the increase in the number of patients and the reduction of bed capacity during tbc pandemie, we expected greater diagnostic delays and worse nutritional status of patients at the beginning of treatment compared to patients treated before the pandemie.

Methods: The study included 37 girls with AN (a group of 19 girls with AN development before the pandemie and a group of 18 girls with AN development during the pandemie). We compared the nutritional status of the girls and their course of the disease before starting treatment.

Both groups of patients were compared with 15 healthy controls. Results: Anthropometric parameters and most laboratory markers did not differ significantly between patient groups, we only observed higher levels of unesterified fatty acids (p <0.05) and lower levels of Apo B (p <0.05) in patients developing AN during the pandemic.

Diagnostic delays, weight loss and treatment in the paediatric department also did not differ significantly when comparing the two groups of patients. Compared to healthy controls, we found significantly higher levels of ALT and ferritin (p <0.001) as well as active vitamin B12 (p < 0.05) in patients with AN.

Conclusion: Despite the increase in the number of our patients with AN, there has been no significant increase in diagnostic delays and worsening of the severity of their malnutrition. Significantly elevated levels of ferritin and active vitamin B12, which are indicators of mild liver damage due to malnutrition, were found in patients with AN compared to the control group.