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Efficient magnetic switching in a correlated spin glass

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The interplay between spin-orbit interaction and magnetic order is one of the most active research fields in condensed matter physics and drives the search for materials with novel, and tunable, magnetic and spin properties. Here we report on a variety of unique and unexpected observations in thin multiferroic Ge1-xMnxTe films.

The ferrimagnetic order parameter in this ferroelectric semiconductor is found to switch direction under magnetostochastic resonance with current pulses many orders of magnitude lower as for typical spin-orbit torque systems. Upon a switching event, the magnetic order spreads coherently and collectively over macroscopic distances through a correlated spin-glass state.

Utilizing these observations, we apply a novel methodology to controllably harness this stochastic magnetization dynamics. GeTe is a ferroelectric semiconductor with broken inversion symmetry, which leads to a large spin-orbit interaction.

When doped with small amounts of manganese, it becomes magnetoelectric. Here, Krempasky et al show that the ferrimagnetic ordering of Mn-doped GeTe can be switched with unusually small currents under specific resonant conditions, orders of magnitude smaller than typical for spin-orbit torque based switching.