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The specific needs of twins in school education

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The contribution is focused on the presentation of longitudinal quantitative research on twins. The introduction deals with basic information about twins, their formation, development, birth and its influence on further education.

Aspects of raising twins, relationships between them, in the family and in the collective, and statistical data focused on the number of twins in the population are also mentioned. The second part describes four case studies, examples of solved problems in the counseling center run by the author of the thesis.

The third part presents the results of questionnaire surveys carried out four years apart from three target groups: parents of twins, teachers and the twins themselves. It is evident from this investigation that teachers usually do not take into account the specific needs of twins.

What the twins say bothers them the most - comparing them to each other and being addressed together - is quite common in schools. In contrast, the parents' problems with the school are not so significant.

The conclusion of the presentation summarizes the results of the questionnaire survey, which - as it was found - do not vary much over time, and suggests ways to improve awareness of the specific needs of twins in school education. One possibility is to expand the Twin Teacher's Guide written by the author of the thesis.