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Atomistic simulations of ultrafast, optically induced switching dynamics in antiferromagnets

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


One of the most promising routes to both ultrafast and energy-efficient spintronics applications is the use of antiferromagnets. They have intrinsically faster eigenfrequencies than ferromagnets, but also incoherent, thermally driven dynamics, like de- and remagnetisation, are faster in antiferromagnets.

Here, we present ab initio parameterised atomistic spin dynamics simulations that lay out a way to realise all-optical magnetisation switching procedures in antiferromagnets. We propose a coherent switching process that works without quenching of the magnetic order and hence requires less laser power, and consequently less heating, than all-optical switching processes in ferro- and ferrimagnets.

The realisation of such a switching mechanism holds great potential for the development of fast and efficient magnetic memory devices.