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In-Faculty Practicum for TEFL Undergraduates at a Specially Created, On-The-Premises Language School: A Study in Innovation

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Teacher trainees often consider the practicum to be the most critical aspect of their pre-service training. However, its duration is frequently insufficient, necessitating teacher-trainers to explore methods of increasing the trainees' direct teaching experience.

The present study focuses on one such attempt - the establishment of a language school within a faculty - and its six-year existence. The study examines how participating teacher trainees received the project, with 30 of them taking part in a survey, which forms the basis of qualitative analysis and an overall project evaluation.

Responses from the participating trainees reveal that they perceive the program as a unique and the most beneficial part of their teacher-training period. The trainees report having made significant progress, particularly in areas such as workload management, lesson-planning, utilization of materials, addressing students' needs, and general teaching fluency.

The project's Director of Studies conducted observations to evaluate these areas, and the results align with the trainees' self-evaluations. The project is an innovative practicum type that encourages reflective practice and has led to changes in the ELT training carried out by the faculty.