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Spiritual experience of Mother Maria Skobtsova and Father Sophrony Sakharov: Searching for Holiness in the Monastic Tradition of Orthodoxy in the 20th Century Spiritual experience of Mother Maria Skobtsova and Father Sophrony Sakharov: Searching for Holiness in the Monastic Tradition of Orthodoxy in the 20th Century

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Mother Maria Skobtsova and Father Sophrony Sacharov show the journeys of searching spiritual experience after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the context of exile in the West. Their spiritual journeys show their desire to live mystical stream of hesychasm in the new historical and cultural context.

The paper shows the complementarity of the two journeys. They are both example of the experience "in between." between two world wars and between East and West.

This situation made them possible to search for new ways that lead to spiritual life.