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Analyses Of Physical Performance Determinants In Male Professional Soccer Players



Aerobic, anaerobic and anthropometric characteristics have been reported as important components of physical performance (PP) in soccer. It is theorized that better PP can enhance the degree of success and reduce risk of musculoskeletal injuries. However, evidence of how PP of each player impacts soccer team's success is lacking, especially at the professional level.

PURPOSE: To determine the effect of individual players PP on team performance success in male professional soccer league.

METHODS: Cross-sectional study design with 114 male professional soccer players of the highest Czech league were classified according to team's final league ranking into four groups: (G1) 1st-4th ranking (n = 31), (G2) 5th-8th ranking (n = 32), (G3) 9th-12th (n = 26) and (G4) 13th-16th (n = 25). PP determinants were assessed using the following indicators: Body height (BH), body weight (BW), fat mass (FM), height of vertical jump (CMJ), maximal vertical ground force (VGF), isokinetic strength (60°.s-1) of knee extensors (KE), flexors (KF) for dominant (DL) and non-dominant (NL) leg and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Multivariate analyses of variances, Bonferroni post hoc test, and partial eta square (ηp2) were used for statistical assessment.

RESULTS: A significant overall effect of PP on team's performance success (p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.16) was found. Post-hoc analyses revealed players in the G1 had significantly (p < 0.05) higher CMJ (43.70 +- 5.09 cm) compared to G3 (38.60 +- 3.98 cm) and G4 (40.40 +- 3.51 cm) players. Moreover, players in the G1 generated greater VGF (26.93 +- 2.80 compare to G4 (25.14 +- 1.79 and higher values of KE compare to G3 players in both DL and NL (G1: KEDL = 3.19 +- 0.47, KENL = 3.17 +- 0.46, G3: KEDL = 2.89 +- 0.31, KENL = 2.87 +- 0.28 Players in the most successful teams (G1) also showed significantly higher VO2max (60.32 +- 2.62 compare to players in the lowest group (G4: 57.87 +- 2.74

CONCLUSIONS: The current findings indicate PP including CMJ, VGF, muscle strength of KEs and VO2max of individual player is associated with final team ranks in the Czech professional soccer league. This evidence may be valuable to discuss team's success in male professional soccer league.