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Sport and Physical Activity of Pragues´ Inhabitants

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The article deals with two interconnected topics. One of them is the attitude and relationship of Prague residents to physical activity and sports, and the other is the actual running of these activities.

The combination of the above-mentioned topics, on the one hand, enables the verification of respondents' answers in the field of attitude and relationship to sports and physical activity, and, on the other hand, deepens the overall insight into the issue. The main goal of the article is to provide a basic description of sports and exercise activities by residents of the capital city of Prague.

Another goal is to find out the attitude of the people of Prague to the above mentioned activities. In the area of attitude and relationship to sports and physical activities, we do not note a significant difference between men and women, but the situation is different between individual age groups.

Another general finding is that even though the capital Prague is the largest Czech city with the largest range of various sports facilities, most of the people surveyed use nature or their home for sports or other physical activities.