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Sparse solution of least-squares twin multi-class support vector machine using l0 and lp-norm for classification and feature selection

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In the realm of multi-class classification, the twin K-class support vector classification (Twin-KSVC) generates ternary outputs {-1, 0,+1} by evaluating all training data in a ''1-versus-1-versus-rest'' structure. Recently, inspired by the least-squares version of Twin-KSVC and Twin-KSVC, a new multi-class classifier called improvements on least-squares twin multi-class classification support vector machine (ILSTKSVC) has been proposed.

In this method, the concept of structural risk minimization is achieved by incorporating a regularization term in addition to the minimization of empirical risk. Twin-KSVC and its improvements have an influence on classification accuracy.

Another aspect influencing classification accuracy is feature selection, which is a critical stage in machine learning, especially when working with high-dimensional datasets. However, most prior studies have not addressed this crucial aspect.

In this study, motivated by ILSTKSVC and the cardinality-constrained optimization problem, we propose l(p)-norm least-squares twin multi-class support vector machine (PLSTKSVC) with 0 < p < 1 to perform classification and feature selection at the same time. The technique employed to solve the optimization problems associated with PLSTKSVC is user-friendly, as it involves solving systems of linear equations to obtain an approximate solution for the proposed model.

Under certain assumptions, we investigate the properties of the optimum solutions to the related optimization problems. Several real-world datasets were tested using the suggested method.

According to the results of our experiments, the proposed method outperforms all current strategies in most datasets in terms of classification accuracy while also reducing the number of features. (c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.