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Children with special needs in Physical Education - equal chance for everybody

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Background: School physical education (PE) plays an important role not only in terms of the sheer volume of physical activity with its bio-psycho-social benefits, but also from an educational point of view. Defined by framework educational programs, TV at all levels of education has elaborate content aimed at supporting movement development, familiarization with a wide range of movement activities and aiming to support a lifelong positive relationship to movement. For pupils with a medical disadvantage, it is necessary to consider their special educational needs (SEP) in relation to the SEN.

Methods: The paper analyzes the current situation of school TV with a focus on the situation of pupils with SEN both from the point of view of the legislative framework and practical experience.

Results: Although curriculum documents emphasize the role of TV for the comprehensive development of pupils, including pupils with SEN, contradictions appear in the area of legislation. On the one hand, Education Act 561/2004 and Decree 27/2016 impose on schools equal access to all educational content and the obligation to modify teaching depending on the pupil's SEN. On the other hand, the legislation allows for release from TV, which is overused in practice, often to the detriment of pupils and with a number of other negative consequences. Due to the growth of this phenomenon and its serious social consequences, a comprehensive systemic solution is desirable and all stakeholders should participate in it: schools, creators of curriculum documents and legislative standards, universities, doctors, counseling facilities, etc. In addition to active action, joint sharing awareness of the importance of TV for the healthy development of each individual, which ultimately affects the entire societal setting on the basis of which parents and students make decisions.

On the side of schools, the possibilities of implementing health and applied physical education classes, which have had a long-standing tradition in the Czech Republic, should be strengthened. In cooperation with doctors, professional opinions are important for schools, which would not exclude them from TV, but on the contrary, help in its optimal setting.