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Success and Failure in Prison-Based Treatment Programs

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper delineates the findings of a research projec titled 'Prerequisites for Success and Failure in Incarcerated Individuals Participating in Risk-Reduction Prison Programs. This research initiative undertakes a thorough investigation into the myriad factors that shape the success and failure trajectories of inmates within correctional rehabilitation programs.

By harnessing a comprehensive dataset collected from twenty-four correctional institutions throughout the Czech Republic during the 2021-2022 period, the study meticulously explores the myriad variables that influence the rehabilitative outcomes for these incarcerated individuals. Central to this analysis is a detailed examination of the personal attributes of the participants, which are extracted from robust correctional databases such as VIS and SARPO.

These attributes encompass pre-enrollment factors that potentially impact the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process. Additionally, the study expands its analytical horizon to include an examination of the programmatic aspects, specifically focusing on the alignment of participants' motivation and their level of active engagement in these rehabilitation programs, as evaluated by the program's facilitators.

This multifaceted approach provides a holistic understanding of the elements that contribute to the success or failure of inmates in these structured rehabilitation settings.