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Treatment of combined laryngocele using an endoscopic approach - a case report

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Laryngocele is a rare benign disease of the larynx that originates from dilating the laryngeal ventricles. The laryngocele communicates with the laryngeal lumen and so is filled with air.

In case of closure, there can be an accumulation of pathological secret presented – mucus (laryngomucocele) and, in case of infection, the pus (laryngopyocele). We distinguish internal or combined laryngocele with the borderline of the thyrohyoid membrane.

Clinical features dominate hoarseness, cough, dysphagia, foreign body sensation, and possibly dyspnea or neck mass. It can also be an incidental finding in imaging methods that are being done for other reasons.

CT or MRI scans are fundamental in the diagnostic process because the clinical symptoms are not distinctive. The optimal treatment modality is surgery.

An endoscopic approach is mainly used for the internal laryngoceles, and the external approach for the combined ones. Nevertheless, in the last few years, several works have been published concerning the use of the endoscope for the resolution, even in combined lesions.

Most recently, also the use of transoral robotic surgery has gained popularity. We present the case of a 36-year-old patient who was taken to the local hospital for acute respiratory distress and must undergo an urgent tracheostomy.

After the final diagnosis of large combined laryngomucocele was made, he was admitted to the tertiary hospital for definitive surgical treatment. The complete resection was made using the endoscope, and the patient was successfully freed from the tracheostomy tube.