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Curatorship [Commentary to § 943–952]

Publication at Faculty of Law |


This paper is a commentary on the provisions of sections 943 to 952 of the Civil Code, which are provisions dealing with curatorship. In relation to the individual provisions, the text therefore contains an overview of the situations in which a curator must be appointed for a child, a definition of the content of the curator's function, the relationship of the curator to the curatorship boardl, as well as the changes introduced to the legal regulation of curatorship by the amendment of the Civil Code by Act No. 192/2021 Coll.

Furthermore, attention is paid to the institution of the curator for the administration of the child's property, who is obliged to perform his/her function with due care, the court's procedure for appointing the curator, the performance of the curator's function and the court's supervision over its performance, and finally the termination of curatorship.