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Preliminary Results of the Mapping of the Common Hamster (Cricetus cricetus) Distribution in Bohemia, Czech Republic (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in 2012-2015

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Abstract: During the period 2012-2015, the distribution of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) was monitored in all regions of Bohemia where its occurrence was recorded after 1990. In the period between the harvest and subsequent ploughing we inspected cereal fields (preferably wheat and barley), sometimes also fields of alfalfa and various vegetable species and also examined nearby field balks and roadside ditches.

In every field of the KFME mapping grid we checked at least four localities. In every locality we covered a distance of around 2,500m searching for hamster burrows.

In addition, we recorded hamster road casualities throughout the year. Some personal reports by experienced collaborators were also used.

Altogether, we recorded the presence of the hamster at 189 localities, covering 66 K.F.M.E. fields. At present, the hamster occurs only in five Bohemian districts (i.e., Ústecký kraj, Hradecký kraj, Pardubický kraj, Středočeský kraj, Praha), its previous occurrence in three other districts (i.e., Plzeňský kraj, Jihočeský kraj, Vysočina) most probably ceased.

In Bohemia, the hamster is confined to the warmest low-lying regions, mostly with elevations below 300m. The easternmost locality was found near Moravská Třebová; however, a connection between the Bohemian and Moravian populations was still not proven.

Possible causes of the hamster's retreat were discussed and some measures which should slow down this trend were proposed.