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The first Czechoslovak lasers in the contemporary context

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The year 1963 was for Czechoslovak physics and technology in the field of quantum generators light (of lasers) such an annus mirabilis. They were successfully demonstrated within about half a year lasers of all main types: solid-state with neodymium glass (FÚ ČSAV) and ruby

(VÚ MNO, ÚRE ČSAV), semiconductor injection laser based on GaAs (ÚFPL ČSAV) and gas

He-Ne laser (ÚPT ČSAV). This article attempts to reconstruct, above all, the circumstances the creation of the first of these lasers, which emitted a beam of coherent light on April 9 1963 at the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague thanks to the efforts of Dr. Karel Pátek (1927-1967).