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The declaration of the Soutok PLA can help the region's development

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The protection of large areas with natural and cultural value in the form of a protected landscape area is important not only for the preservation of species diversity. It is also important for supporting ecological processes that result in a range of ecosystem services, social and economic benefits, including a wide range of opportunities for recreational activities in the wild landscape.

Visitors of the protected landscape area by their spending to regional providers of tourist products and services contribute to an increase in production or employment of the given regional economy. The article aims to present the results of the study Evaluation of the socio-economic Impacts of the declaration of the Soutok Protected Landscape Area, which originated from the initiative of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic and was aimed at evaluating how the Morava and Dyje confluence natural area is used, including an assessment of the visitation change and the induced economic effects on the Soutok region, if a new protected landscape area, the PLA Soutok, with an area of 139 km2 is declared.