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Lower Jurassic Cephalopod Fauna from the Czech Republic (Lukoveček; Outer Western Carpathians)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Lower Jurassic olistolith exposed in Lukoveček (Klein-Lukow) near Fryšták (Freistadtl) provides extraordinary insight into the sedimentological history of the Outer Western Carpathians. Geological and palaeontological investigations of these uniquely preserved deposits are, however, very few (it represents a single record within the Magura unit of the Carpathian flysh in Czech Republic). The relatively little scientific interest in this locality was probably also due to the poor preservation of fossils, which often does not allow a closer taxonomic determination. Several species of bivalves, ammonites, echinoids, brachiopods, forams and, last but not least, belemnites were reported (Rzehak 1904).

Lithologically, the deposits consist of shallow-water crinoid limestones. Organic-rich intercalations (?) contain pyrite and show, in some cases, pseudooolithic structures (Andrusov 1959; Rakús et al. 1990). Based on the recorded fauna, Oppenheimer (1913) previously assigned the grey heavy-bedded limestones to the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian (Rakús 1987).

It is possible that the Lower Jurassic rocks of the Magura Flysh of Western Slovakia have had a much more extensive area of occurrence (Andrusov 1959). Apart from the rare occurrence of the Lower Jurassic rocks within the Flysch Belt, similar deposits can often be found within the Klippen Belt and other Carpathian units (Rakús et al. 1990). The presence of the previously reported Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian fossils from Lukoveček is still not reliably tectonosedimentarily explained. Perhaps, they belong to another sort of deposits, which are not exposed nowadays and may have a similar origin as younger Jurassic exotica described from the territory of the surrounding states (e. g.; Książkiewicz 1956; Olszewska and Wieczorek 2001; Wierzbowski et al. 2006).


Andrusov, D. 1959. Geológia Československých Karpát, Zväzok II. Vydavatel'stvo Slovenské akadémie vied, Bratislava.

Książkiewicz, M. 1956. The Jurassic and Cretaceous of Bachowice. Annales de la Societe Geologique de Pologne 24, 305-405.

Olszewska, B. and Wieczorek, J. 2001. Jurassic sediments and microfossils of the Andrychów Klippes (Outer Western Carpathians). Geologica Carpathica 52 (4), 217-228.

Oppenheimer, J. 1913. Der Malm von Freistadtl in Mähren. Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn 52, 277-288.

Rakús, M. 1987. Caphalopod fauna of the Lias and lower Dogger from olistoliths of the Rača Unit of the Magura Flysch (Locality Lukoveček). Západné Karpaty, séria paleontologia 12: 7-30.

Rakús, M., Mišík, M., Michalík, J., Mock, R., Ďurkovič, T., Koráb, T., Marschalko, R., Mello, J., Polák, M. and Jablonský, J. 1990. Paleogeographic development of the West Carpathians: Anisian to Oligocene, in Evolution of the Northern Margin of Tethys, Vol. 3 Part 1 (eds M. Rakús, J. Dercourt and A.E.M. Nairn). Mémoires de la Société géologique de France 154 (3), 39-59.

Rzehak, A. 1904. Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl in Mähren. Zeitschrift des Mährischen Landesmuseums 4, 89-156.

Wierzbowski, A., Aubrecht, R., Golonka, J., Gutowski, J., Krobicki, M., Matyja, B.A., Pienkowski, G. and Uchman, A. 2006. Jurassic of Poland and adjacent Slovakian Carpathians: field trip guidebook of 7th International Congress on the Jurassic System, Poland, Kraków, September 6-18.