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On the Trail of Skis and Snowboards - 120 Years of the Ski Association

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The book is published on the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Czech Ski Association, the first national ski association in the world. The opening chapters trace the general origins of skiing and skiing, followed by the arrival of skiing in the Czech environment, not only ethnically Czech but also German.

In the following chapters, it deals with the development of skiing, the formation of ski clubs, the evolution of ski disciplines and the related development of ski equipment. The core of the interpretation then lies in the participation in skiing competitions, not only domestic but especially international ones such as the World Championships and the Winter Olympics.

It presents the achievements of Czech and Czechoslovak competitors, to whom small medallions are also dedicated. An important part of the text is the organisational development of the Ski Association and the efforts to fulfil the dream of the pioneers of skiing and other skiing generations to make skiing a natural part of the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Czech state.

The last chapters also focus on the increasingly pervasive snowboarding. An important part of the publication is pictorial documentation.