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Molluscs of the Hostýnské vrchy Hills

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This study deals with the molluscan fauna of the Hostýnské vrchy Hills (Central Moravia, Czech Republic).

The main goal was to make a systematic inventory of the molluscan fauna in this area. Snails were collected in

September 2010 by hand picking and litter sampling at selected sites. Final database was pooled with earlier pub- lished and unpublished data. In total, 85 terrestrial and 20 freshwater mollusc species were recorded at 56 study sites across the area during 2000–2010. Terrestrial snails Monachoides incarnatus, Punctum pygmaeum, Vitrina pellucida, and freshwater molluscs Pisidium casertanum, and Radix labiata were the most frequently recorded species. The land snails Daudebardia brevipes, Eucobresia nivalis, Vitrea transsylvanica, and Chondrula tridens are notable species from the local viewpoint. The clausilid Vestia ranojevici moravica, an endemic subspecies that colonized some regions of Moravia during the Holocene climatic optimum, is an iconic mollusc species in the area, deserving high conservation priority.