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J. Haydn - The Creation



Festive concert of the Prague Hallelujah in Nuremberg - Joseph Haydn: Die Schöpfung, , H.XXI:2. 22 October 2023, Friedenskirche Nürnberg

Joseph Haydn's magnificent oratorio, based on Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost". The Creation reflects Haydn's fascination and admiration for the oratorio work of G.F. Handel, especially in the frequent use of polyphony and the baroque monumentality of the choral movements.


Eva Benett - soprano

Ondřej Holub - tenor

Josef Kovačič - bass

Hlahol Chor Prag

Projektchor der Wilhelm-Löhe-Schule

Art-N Orchester Prag - Concertmaster: Gabriela Kubátová

Staging of: Klára Ježková

Conductor: Roman. Z. Novák