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Alma Rosé



MARIUSZ URBANEK Alma Rosé (Monodrama) The story of the outstanding violinist Alma Rosé, who performed on the stages of the greatest concert halls in Europe. In 1943, because of her Jewish origin, she was sent to Auschwitz, where she became the conductor of the women's camp orchestra.

The performance is used in education at the Faculty of Education of Charles University. Directed, translated and adapted by Olga Strusková Cast Alma Rosé: Sarah Haváčová Women's String Quartet: Hana Dostálová Roušarová - violin Gabriela Kubátová - violin Dagmar Mašková - viola Vladimíra Sanvito - cello Costumes: Tatiana Karasová, Jana Balonová Technical cooperation: Marian Schüller The recording was made in Studio 403 Graphics: Aleš Vašák Premiere 22 November 2021, 19.30, Werichova vila, Kampa, Prague 1 Produced by JONATHAN LIVINGSTON, Ltd.

The performance was created in cooperation with the Bente Kahan Foundation.