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Collectors house



The object - an installation in the valley floodplain of the Brtnice river, saturated by the outflow of the Obora pond. Project is based on small interventions in the landscape, which were created gradually during the Landscape Festival and after its end. The first phase of the project was to make the site accessible to visitors, where the centrepiece is an abandoned, small, stone building that was probably formerly used for agricultural purposes. Communication was made by treading a path and using a footbridge over the watery part of the marsh, as well as over the sculpted mounds which also highlight the deposits at times of high water. There is a sculpted mini landscape within the house that meets the modelling in the access road, which is also inspired by the morphology of the local landscape.

The next stage of intervention was the creation of a 'funnel' object suspended in the treetops and a set of pipes and troughs used to bring rainwater into the house, which in wet weather continues to flow down a temporary riverbed in the man-made landscape in and in front of the house. In this way, it symbolically represents the water cycle and the water's journey from the highest points to the lowest, while also reinforcing a kind of meaninglessness of the whole system of buildings on the site. Another intention is to continue with small interventions after natural influences have altered the installation.