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Povědomí o vybraných základních pojmech v oblasti sociálně právní ochrany dětí u studentů posledních ročníků pedagogické fakulty UK

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |


The paper reports on the interim results of a research focusing on testing the understanding of selected basic concepts in the area of social and legal child protection among last-grade students of the Faculty of Education, Charles University. So far, a total of 1000 respondents have taken part in the survey.

The interim results (2019-2022) show insufficient competencies; e.g., 86 % of students failed to explain competencies and possibilities of involving a teacher (school) in the implementation of the so-called individual plan of child protection. 72 % of respondents failed to name 3 specific situations requiring cooperation between a teacher (school) and a social worker. Only 31.7 % of respondents were able to explain the concept of a preliminary measure regarding child care.

The authors' hypothesis that students need to be prepared for the cooperation in the area of child protection (theoretically but mainly practically) already during their pregraduate studies is being confirmed. A possible solution would be for example videoconferencing or courses for future teachers as well as students of other faculties (study programmes).

The courses should focus mainly on practical training.