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Rõdugalerii, Aparaaditehase, Tartu, Estonia,

In the Czech land, there was once a tradition that when a craftsman learned his trade, he set off on a long journey, the so-called "vandr" (from the German Wander - hike). During this trip he gained experience with various masters and recorded everything in his notebook called "Wanderbuch".

We also came to TYPA for experience. We get to know a new country, new people, new friends, new environment, new printing machines, new aesthetics and design, new things. And we are still wondering.

We therefore decided to create a series of artist's books during our residency, which we called WONDERBUCH, in which we reflect our experiences in a visual language.

Together with the books, a number of graphics were created in which we work our way through layers, ornaments, colors and combinations.

It is an adventure just like our journey.