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Labour law in a whirlwind of change

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Employment relations and closely related legal relations have to adapt to changes in legislation almost every year. The year 2023 was one of the most challenging in this respect. The authors of the book try to present the full breadth of changes that took place in the past year.

First of all, they note the amendment to the Labour Code No. 281/2023 Coll., which transposed the directives on reconciliation of work and family life and on transparent and predictable working conditions into the Czech legal system and, in addition, affected other important institutes such as telework and delivery. Traditionally, the authors do not neglect the important connections with other fields of law, especially commercial law or procedural law.

The present publication aims to put an end to the challenging year 2023, to comprehensively evaluate the legislative changes made and to comment on possible further developments in the field of labour law.