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Constructing in landscape: Proposal of a web application to support the regulation of construction activities in the PLA

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Regulation of construction in protected areas with the aim of preserving the landscape character is an important agenda of nature protection authorities. The agenda causes a number of tensions between the citizen-builder and the authority.

In the article, we present the results of the TAČR project, introduced two years ago. One of the outputs of the project is a web application, which is to reflect, in a context-sensitive manner and in an accessible form, the local qualities of the landscape character and issuing principles of protection.

Its data are based on Preventive Landscape Evaluation Studies, which are elaborated and regularly updated for individual PLAs. The web interface allows to generate a printable document tailored to users needs.

The application should contribute to a better articulated approach to the regulation - an approach that is differentiated and understandable for all participants.