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Solid-State Absorption, Luminescence, and Singlet Fission of Furanyl-Substituted Diketopyrrolopyrroles with Different π-Stacking Arrangements

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Central Library of Charles University |


Small modifications of the diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) molecular structure induced remarkable changes in its spectral and photophysical behavior. Using furan (F) heterosubstitution instead of thiophene (T) substituent resulted in a small blue shift and decreased Huang-Rhys factor of the absorption spectra in solution, irrespectively to N,N'-alkyls.

Branching of alkyl side chains by formal 2-ethylation of n-hexyl substituent (C6 to EH) switched the slipped-stack arrangement, irrespectively on the heteroatoms. Consequent changes in steady-state absorption spectra of thin films were interpreted using time dependent density functional theory calculations, carried out on model dimers.

Solid-state luminescence is weak and partially dependent on an excitation wavelength. Singlet fission was observed by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, with considerably different yields for variously pi-stacked FDPP-EH (30 %) and FDPP-C6 (160 %).

The shape of triplet-triplet absorption spectra was also influenced by various pi-stacking. The results are discussed in terms of different mixing of both Frenkel and charge transfer states in model dimers and different excitonic and electronic coupling in both types of pi-stacks, visualized by natural transition orbitals.

Furanyl-substituted diketopyrrolopyrroles (DPP) with different branching of the alkyl side chains were studied. Both formed two distinct types of pi-stacking leading to H-aggregates with considerably different energetics in terms of mixed lowest Frenkel and charge transfer (CT) states.

The combined effect of the molecular structure and solid-state arrangement lead to fast and efficient CT mediated singlet fission, with one of the highest efficiencies (160 %) ever reported within the DPP family.image